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they/them/she/her/sometimeshe image/brian ho/thegaleria

image/brian ho/thegaleria

Charlene Shepherdson is an interdisciplinary writer based in Singapore who creates experiences using visual text, interactive narratives and historical archives.

The breadth of their practice spans poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art installations and social sculptures with a deep focus on the ideas that exist in the in-betweens: the intersection where personal histories clash with state narratives, the people and cultural practices that fall through the cracks, and the disconnect between humans and nature.

In this nebulous space, they facilitate communities and hold space for them to share their stories—to reclaim, reframe and reimagine their realities. Play is the heart of their practice.

As a writer, their poems have been published in The Straits Times, Twin Cities: An Anthology of Twin Cinema From Singapore and Hong Kong (Landmark Books), From Walden to Woodlands, UnFree Verse (Ethos Books) and Singapore Eurasians: Memories Hopes & Dreams (World Scientific Publishing). Their writing has been performed at Everybody Hertz (Lit Up Festival 2014), EleMental (part of The Revolution Will Not Be Televised by Dream Academy), For the Record: Exploring Eurasian Narratives  (CharChey) and In The Twine: A Tapestry of Stories (Singapore Writers Festival 2018). Their visual art has been showcased in The Arts House, Centre 42, The Substation and in Singapore libraries under National Art Council’s Project LAVA.

As a dramaturg, they have been part of the collaborative performance-making and script-devising processes for spoken word collectives Ministry of Noise and Party Action People; transmedia production company Pink Gajah Theatre; and hybrid experimental productions such as poetry x pro-wrestling show, Sing Lit Body Slam: 2 Much 2 Soon (Sing Lit Station and Grapple Max Pro Wrestling Singapore); and poetry x music showcase, The Room of Our Forgetting (Jennifer Anne Champion and enec.e).

They are currently the Business Development Manager of Difference Engine, an independent comics publisher based in Singapore.

They were the Station Control (General Manager) of Sing Lit Station from 2019 - 2022. They co-founded destination:ink—an interdisciplinary open open-mic—under the spacer.gif collective and hosted 50 editions from 2012 - 2017.

Opinions expressed in this site are solely their own and do not express the views or opinions of any organisations, collectives or individuals working with them